Friday, November 4, 2011

Fact: Playing Tekken on Playstation 1 was one of my happiest moments!

This cover, feeling of joy!
Sound pretty sad? Twenty Seven years of age and one of my all time happiest moments comes down to renting my first Playstation 1 game. Well sad as it may sound, it's the truth! It was amazing to see the graphics, sitting there 2 feet in front of the TV on the rug sitting on my feet while either smiling big with my mouth wide open or smiling while biting my lip as my eyebrows were raised up to my hairline. After my couple days of renting it from the 'then Holy Grail of movies/games that was Blockbuster, my dad took me to Toys R Us to buy it!

Real Fact: Playstation 1 was released in 1994 then Playstation 2 was released in 2000 and Playstation 3 was released in 2006.

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